Late delivery, missing orders, and damaged goods are the most common problems that customers face in the logistics landscape. This creates problems for retailers too as they fear losing customers. No customers like delays in shipping and delivery. Therefore, it is crucial for retailers to meet customers’ expectations and stop them from moving away from their business. For this, retailers must collaborate with delivery service partners who can deliver products efficiently to their customers. handover is a delivery service brand that smoothly delivers products to customers. If you collaborate with us, your customers are likely to enjoy your services and do business with you. In this article, we will explore how handover overcomes the delivery issues affecting businesses and their customers. 

What are Common Delivery Issues and How handover Handles Them?

Logistical Issues

Transferring or delivering packages from one location to another is referred to as logistics. But it’s important to deliver products from one place to another efficiently.  Using advanced route optimisation software allows you to find the shortest route for preventing delivery products delays. A route optimisation software helps in route planning and scheduling processes for deliveries while considering the traffic condition and distance to save travel and fuel cost.

handover uses route optimisation that enables it to deliver products to customers on time. There are various factors concerning route optimisation that help handover’s delivery executives deliver products efficiently to customers. These involve driver schedules, available hours, total stops, fulfilment estimates, etc. 

Last-mile Delivery Issues

The process of delivering the products directly to customers is the most expensive and complicated part of any delivery service. It might be challenging to manage many delivery locations at once while attempting to ensure on-time deliveries. To deliver products on time, overcoming last-mile delivery issues is imperative. You can overcome the same by careful preparation and contacting customers. 

The management of last-mile delivery attempts is another crucial aspect. Sometimes it could happen that customers are not ready to accept the delivery when it arrives at their location. In such circumstances, deliveries can be postponed, missed, or have to be done again. To solve these problems, handover uses communication channels to inform customers about delivery schedules. handover uses features such as ETAs to provide customers with the estimated delivery date and time. This is how handover smoothly ensures last-mile delivery to customers, helping retailers expand their business. 

Damage Product or Lost Product Issues

Packaging issues have a direct influence on products. Assuring the safe delivery of fragile goods is one of the key issues. Specialised product handling and delivering safely are necessary for fragile and breakable products to prevent damage. However, It is simple to handle such products by using specialised materials for packaging. 

Handling large or heavy goods is another concern with packages. Certain goods require skilled handling in order to ensure a safe delivery. Businesses should invest in the right lifting tools such as forklifts, and must train their workers in safe lifting procedures to reduce the chances of damage. handover’s delivery executives ensure the right packaging materials for fragile products. For packaging a fragile product, handover uses a large roll of bubble wrap, which can protect fragile products from being broken. Besides, it uses slightly large boxes for packing fragile products. Products can easily fit inside the box by using some cotton and other dunnage Thus, handover safely delivers fragile products to customers without breaking them. 

Lack of Visibility and Transparency

Managing many deliveries in a day requires efficient supply chain management. While there may be an increase in delivery demand during peak periods, slow periods might help in anticipating demand shifts. It helps in preventing delays by using resources during busy periods. The other issue that arises is the visibility status of location and products delivered. To improve customer satisfaction, give accurate, real-time tracking information. This makes it possible to monitor the delivery fleet movement in real time. Give customers as well as retailers access to a tracking website or portal so that they may see the actual status of their deliveries. handover offers businesses a real-time tracking system and lets them know the exact location of their delivery. 


As we know that in online delivery, both retailers and customers face some issues. Sometimes customers receive damaged products from the delivery service fleet which they return immediately. It heavily costs retailers because such products cannot be used further. So, collaborating with a good delivery service company can help retailers deliver products safely to their customers. An efficient delivery leads to happy customers. Therefore, retailers must choose handover, a leading delivery service company in India, for on-time and safe deliveries.