Ensuring seamless delivery services has been a necessity for delivery service providers as customers emphasise their convenience over everything. Therefore, delivery service companies have started making seamless delivery experiences for their customers. So, there is tough competition among delivery service providers. 

Previously, the only concern businesses had to focus on is increasing sales, but now they need to pay attention to making seamless delivery experiences for their customers. As we know customers live in the digital world where they demand deliveries on the same day. For making a seamless delivery experience possible, delivery service companies such as handover use advanced technologies. These advanced technologies help delivery service companies efficiently deliver products from businesses to their customers. In this article, we will examine how handover makes a seamless delivery experience possible. 

What is handover?

handover is a third-party delivery company that provides cost-efficient delivery services across most cities of India.

handover always prefers customer convenience & satisfaction by providing them with on-time, reliable and cost-effective deliveries. Like customers,  businesses also get the reward of collaborating with handover, and that is, they need not keep delivery partners on a fixed salary. handover provides them with delivery executives who earn through deliveries made, relieving businesses from fixed financial burdens. Furthermore, handover helps develop communication between businesses and customers that is likely to convert them into loyal customers. Such a thing is rare in today’s logistic landscape.

handover delivers products safely to customers and provides businesses with real-time order delivery updates, allowing them to concentrate solely on their business. 

How handover Makes Seamless Delivery Experience Possible?


handover ensures safe and on-time delivery of products. It has hired delivery executives to fulfil on-demand delivery services that businesses and their customers seek. The same-day delivery has been greatly ensured by handover’s improved technology and on-ground delivery staff who use advanced route optimisation software to reach customers fast and efficiently, hence earning their faith. The speedy delivery services ensured by handover help it get orders continuously from restaurants, grocery shop owners, bakery units and various other enterprises. Its on-demand delivery services have now been extended to B2B enterprises too. As a result, if wholesalers want to deliver goods to retailers, they can do so using handover’s delivery fleet.   

Real-time Tracking

handover offers a real-time tracking system to its partnered retailers. As a result, retailers have become increasingly confident and loyal to handover’s delivery services. Because it enables them to make a schedule for the next delivery by tracking how much time it will take to complete delivery. Providing real-time tracking has helped handover continuously deliver the best that makes both retailers and their customers happy. 

Multiple Delivery Fleets 

The best part about handover is the multiple delivery fleets for ensuring seamless delivery services. It runs 2-wheeler, 3-wheeler, electric vehicles and trucks for delivery services. Tapping into the needs of various businesses has been made possible using these delivery fleets. 

Electric Vehicles Have Been a Great Addition

Adoption of electric vehicles for delivery services not only shows handover’s commitment to protecting the environment but also demonstrates its approach to saving hard-earned money for businesses and their customers. Using these vehicles eliminates the scope for those expensive fuel costs emanating from petrol or diesel-powered vehicles. The benefit of a low-cost EV delivery fleet is eventually passed on to the end users who then start trusting businesses for delivery services. So, an atmosphere of confidence is built between businesses and their customers courtesy of these services.

Gives Customers Flexible Delivery Solutions

Nowadays customers demand flexibility in delivery. So, they must get the option of choosing how their goods should be delivered. Because customers do not always sit at home rather they have lots of work to do such as office work, travelling, and many more. So, they are not always ready to receive their orders. They demand flexibility in receiving goods, which means delivery service providers must deliver products according to customers’ convenience. This is what handover has been doing since the beginning. 


As we know that now customers have become more conscious while transacting with businesses. They demand conveniences of flexibility in delivery from delivery service companies tied up with businesses. They don’t want their orders to be late, so delivery service companies must deliver them their products quickly and conveniently. These efforts ensure delivery service companies provide seamless delivery service to their customers. If you want to meet your customers’ expectations, you need to collaborate with delivery service providers who are capable of doing so. handover is the one such service provider that meets all those delivery expectations your customers put on you.