These days people are increasingly ordering food, groceries, daily use items and other stuff online. This trend compels businesses to ensure delivery services to their customers. They can choose a reliable delivery partner like handover to do so. Let’s check the pain points of businesses and how handover resolves the same with its delivery services.

The top priority of all businesses is to optimise the delivery cost. For all enterprises, delivery services play an important role as they need to deliver the ordered items to their customers. This quickly increases your expenses to reduce your bottom line. As a result, your business loses its viability. Assuming you are in Navi Mumbai. And if you seek delivery services in Navi Mumbai for your customers, you can contact handover! It helps reduce your delivery cost.  

The reduced cost will help you run your business smoothly. We have some effective ways to reduce delivery costs. 

So, let’s take a look at how handover helps businesses ensure the same.

handover Helps Businesses Save Money on Delivery Services with These

handover helps reduce the high logistic costs of SMEs and business enterprises.

No Fixed Cost 

handover ensures businesses don’t have to bear the fixed cost burden. It means, they don’t have to pay monthly salaries to the delivery partners. Delivery partners get their amount based on the number of orders they deliver. This way, handover provides businesses with a cost-effective delivery platform. 

Distance-based Pricing

Suppose you are moving goods from one point to another. handover ensures safe delivery of the product at reduced costs. You can focus on your work by using handover’s comprehensive services. It can take care of all services using its delivery fleet.

Delivery Services within the Cities 

handover provides digitised delivery services throughout the cities. Such services only enhance your user experience. You can make your business easy using the handover’s delivery platform. 

Real-time tracking

You can track your order in real time to know its various stages – pick-up, on the way and the eventual delivery. By using this, you can track to make sure the delivery reaches its destination on time. We offer technology-enabled delivery services to update you about order shipments all the time. You can thus be free of any worries and concentrate on growing your business. 

handover, with this tracking system, helps many businesses to save money on delivery. With us, you are updated on order shipments in real-time to ensure where your products are. This way, you can avoid extra delays and save money. handover gives you better visibility of your entire process and helps you adjust that as needed.

Plan the Delivery Processes 

handover plans each and every aspect to ensure timely and cost-effective deliveries to your customers. It helps businesses plan every step effectively to optimise their delivery fleet. They plan and execute every step to benefit businesses and their customers 

Less Paperwork 

handover provides a digital medium to all businesses. Delivery processes usually involve a lot of paperwork, from packing order to shipping and delivery. But handover uses a digital medium for all these. All businesses can manage their timely and effective delivery to minimise cost. With this, customers also get SMS, email or chat while their order is packed and shipped. 

Optimise Route 

handover optimises routes for timely and cost-effective delivery. Its delivery executives use route navigation to find the shortest route to reach customers and deliver them their orders. This way, you can reduce fuel expenses while helping your customers get their ordered products on time. 

Route Management Software

Businesses take advantage by using Route Management Software. It streamlines your delivery operations by smartly operating your route and saving you money and time. If any route has more traffic, it suggests you some alternatives to reach your destination on time. Also, it is helpful in sharing real-time updates by sending notifications to you and your customers. 


Both small and big businesses thrive on maximum sales and minimum costs. By maintaining the same, businesses remain viable and competitive. handover understands the pain points of businesses who constantly get bulk orders. But due to high delivery costs involved, most of them can’t deliver every order and lose business as a result. So, don’t delay, contact handover today for low-cost delivery services! We will be glad to assist you with our delivery services. You can save time and reduce your fuel costs.